"The inconsistent nature of the succession of the episodes taken from 'Satyicon' by Petronio as foreseen by Maderna allows a distribution of different variable tableaux from one performance to another. The following synopsis therefore regards the choices made for today's performance. (In squared brackets are the titles of each section and the insertion of the five episodes on magnetic tape, which are also subject to a change of order).
"We are in the house of Trimalcione. On an introductory tape ['tape no. 1'] we can hear music, various voices and the sounds of animals. Scintalla sings, followed by Criside who sings of the ecstasy of love ('Love's Ecstasy'). Flabinnas, one of the guests, begins to tell the story of Efeso's matron ['La matrona di Efeso'], a woman of exceptional beauty as well as virtue. When her husband died she refused to leave his grave and stayed there for days without eating until she let herself be comforted by a soldier who had abandoned his post in a fit of passion. The latter had been the guard of some crucified thieves and since one of the bodies had been struck with a dagger the poor soldier had considered committing suicide. The widow had been quick to suggest replacing the thief's body with that of her husband.
"Trirnalcione's wife, Fortuna enters. She tells everyone how she has total control of her husband, so much so that she can make him believe it is night when it is really day [Fortunata]. Trimalcione is immensely wealthy and this enables him to buy whatever he desires: wool, honey and even chicken's milk!
"The guests continue their orgy ['Food Machine']. Trimalcione starts to tell his guests of his intestinal disorders, asking for medical advice and claiming to know people who have died by trying to retain their flatulence ['Trimalchio and his flatulence' + 'tape no. 4 'Music a la Webern with pigs'']. Trimalcione then begins to remember his past, from humble servant to his life as a trader that brought him such wealth so quickly. In a delirium of uncontrollable megalomania he begins to repeat the word 'millioni' ('millions') in an increasingly loud voice ['Carriera di Trimalchio']. He is interrupted by Eumolpo, Criside, Nicero and Scintilla who smoothly take up the song that was heard at the beginning of the opera — of the ecstasy of love ['Love's Ecstasy'].
"Fortunata tries to seduce the philosopher Eumolpo by praising his looks excessively and declaring she is aroused by his intellectual powers whereas other woman are aroused by vulgarity and have pleasure just watching servants embracing ['Fortunata e Etimotpus']. Meanwhile, Eumolpo heedlessly recites some Latin verse in which he claims the cause for the ongoing civil war in Rome is to be found in luxury and the craving for power ['Eumolpus Fuga' + 'tape no. 3 'Awakening''].
"However, he is stopped by Trimalcione who insults Fortunata with the most vulgar of behaviour ['Trimalchio contro Fortunata']. This is interrupted by Criside's song that solemnly warns of not overestimating ones own resources, whether intellectual or physical since all men are in the frauds of Fortune ['Lady Luck']. Once again Trimalcione starts singing' about his flatulence ['Trimalchio e le flatulenza']. When he has finished Habinnas takes the word to praise money ['The money']. The guests continue their erotic games ['tape no. 2 'Erotica'']. Trimalcione then decides to make his testament public, informing the sculptor Nicero how he wants his funereal monument ['Trimalchio e il monumento']. There should also be an inscription on the tomb, exalting Trimalcione, his wealth and the fact that he never paid heed to philosophers ['Marcia funebre' + 'tape no. 5']." (From the liner notes. Translated by C. Cawthra.)
Performers: Orchestra del Teatro La Fenice, Jürg Henneberger
1.1. Tape
1.2. Scintilla
1.3. Niceros (Perdu)
1.4. Criside II
1.5. La Maratone Di Efeso
1.6. Lady Luck
1.7. Erotica
1.8. Fortunata
1.9. Trimalchio E Le Flatulenze
1.10. Carriera Di Trimalchio
1.11. Vierzehn Miliionen
1.12. Love's Ecstasy
2.1. Eumolups Fuga
2.2. Trimalchio Contro Fortuna
2.3. Trimalchio E Le Flatulenze (Instrumental E Party Returns)
2.4. Funeral March E Tape No. 5
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